Saturday, January 4, 2025

Kickstarter - Cryptid Stock Art Illustrations by Tara Quinn

It's been a while since I've reviewed a Kickstarter for Stock Art, and Tara Quinn's current campaign stands out as whimsical and different.

I don't know what project I'd use this art style for, but it's definitely a style I'd find good use for.

Cryptid Stock Art is priced at 25 bucks for 100 pieces (or over 400 for 50 if you missed the earlier Kickstarters).

100 original illustrations will be done as black and grey or line art and depict various cryptids from states across the USA as well other places around the world. The style will invoke that of old-school artwork, but with Tara's own comic inspired design. All will be created digitally at high resolution 300 DPI in various shapes and sizes.


 The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar 

Friday, January 3, 2025

OSR Christmas 2024, Day 6 - Gifts are Being Given!

Day 6 of OSR Christmas - Time for the gifts!

The gifts are below. If you see your screen name below, email me at tenkarsDOTtavern at that gmail thing. Please put "OSR Christmas Day 6" in the subject. In the body of the email, include the gift that you've been gifted as well as your screen name.

Note - emails for outstanding gifts for OSR Christmas through Day 4 have been responded to. If you haven't received an email from me regarding a gift you are claiming, drop me a new email. Remember, you have 7 days to claim your gift. Afterward, it MAY go back into the gift pile. Tenkar

Note, I'm playing Catch Up on Saturday, January 4th.

Gift 1 - Dragonlock Lost City of the Dwarves: Master Set FDG0411 ($25.00)

Brian S.

Gift 2 - Frog God Games 50% Off Coupon


Gift 3 - The Misty Isles  Precis Intermedia


Gift 4 - 1 Barrowmaze Patch (ships anywhere in the world) and issues 1-4 of Wizard Funk Zine in PDF - Dicebro

Jeff Bernstein

Gift 5 - $10 DTRPG Gift Certificate - From Your Bartender

Tim Baker

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Deal of the Day - Against the Darkmaster (D100)

When you look at the cover of Against the Darkmaster (just look above for your reference), it is reminiscent of classic Rolemaster, which makes sense, as the rules are strongly influenced and inspired by Rolemaster. If you enjoy those classic critical tables, you have some new ones, and the selection is a bit more MERP-like (more by weapon type than each weapon having its own).

Until tomorrow morning, Against the Darkmaster is on sale for 5 bucks (usually 24.99). Over 500 pages of classic roleplaying. If it isn't already in your digital collection, don't hesitate. Grab it! I already have it ;)

Against the Darkmaster is a tabletop Epic Fantasy roleplaying game of high adventure, heroic action, and heavy metal combat.

If you put together works like The Lord of the Rings and The Wheel of Time, sprinkled them with a bit of Labyrinth and Dragonslayer, and put everything in a blender together with a healthy dose of classic Heavy Metal, you’ll get a typical Against the Darkmaster game session.

Travel to distant lands, face terrible dangers, uncover ancient items of power, and gather the armies of the world under your banner to defeat the ultimate Evil.

A complete rule system, including:

  • Unified d100-based action resolution mechanic
  • Huge variety of character customization options
  • Detailed travel mechanics for long overland adventures
  • Flexible magic system with over 300 spells
  • Tactical combat and brutal Critical Strikes
  • Immersive rules for character driven adventures
  • A Bestiary with over 60 fearsome creatures
  • A full introductory campaign in three parts


The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

OSR Christmas 2024 - Day 6 Gifts Are Listed - Thank You Sir! Can I Have Another?

Day 6 of OSR Christmas, here on Day 1 of 2025. We may as well be giving away D&D 2024 - I Kid, I Kid! Heh!

Comment below before Friday, January 3rd at 6 PM Eastern to be considered for one of the following gifts, then return here to see if you are one of the gifted.

Gift 1 - Dragonlock Lost City of the Dwarves: Master Set FDG0411 ($25.00)

Gift 2 - Frog God Games 50% Off Coupon

Gift 3 - The Misty Isles  Precis Intermedia

Gift 4 - 1 Barrowmaze Patch (ships anywhere in the world) and issues 1-4 of Wizard Funk Zine in PDF - Dicebro

Gift 5 - $10 DTRPG Gift Certificate - From Your Bartender

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Deal of the Day - Tales of Argosa (Low Fantasy Gaming 2e)

I played some Low Fantasy Gaming 1e a few years back, and it felt very old-school in nature. Probably the low hit points and the high mortality rate. It was undoubtedly a good time.

Tales of Argosa is essentially LFG 2e, and I'd snag a copy myself, but I'll likely never run it with my current group, and one does have to make a stand at some point before the wife agro kicks in :)

Tales of Argosa is usually 24.95 in PDF, but until tomorrow morning, it is on sale for 12.48.

Tales of Argosa (aka Low Fantasy Gaming 2e) is a Sword & Sorcery inspired Emergent Play Adventure Game, for groups or solo. Adventures are short, sharp, and focused on dangerous wilds, treacherous cities, fierce battles, daring exploits, perilous magic, fabulous treasures, and cosmic weird. 

Core Features

  • Familiar d20 based system. 
  • 9 Classes Artificer (or Alchemist variant), Barbarian, Bard, Cultist, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, Rogue & Magic User; only two of which involve magic.
  • 9th Level max caps PC power levels.
  • Flatter HP Curve Most PCs will have approx 10-40 hit points over their nine levels. 
  • Unique Features Every 3rd level design your own PC ability in conjunction with your GM, or choose from 40+ examples. 
  • Roll Under for Attribute checks, making every stat point matter. Degrees of success via Great Successes and Terrible Failures.  
  • Roll High for attack & damage rolls.
  • Wisdom is split into Perception and Willpower. Perception mod applies to ranged attacks instead of Dex.   
  • Simple Skills grant a +1 bonus on relevant Attribute checks, but more importantly allow a PC to access their limited Reroll Pool if they fail. The Variant Rules chapter includes a further simplified "Class, Race & Background" combo to replace the skill list, if desired.    
  • Minor, Major & Rescue Exploits on top of damage, not in lieu, promote improvised stunts and moments of greatness.
  • Fast Initiative Side based initiative, but a different PC rolls each round. Initiative is a derived stat (average of Dex & Int). If the PC makes their Initiative check the party goes first, otherwise the monsters do. On a Great Success the party also acts before any Heavies or Bosses. 
  • Diminishing Luck attribute replaces saving throws, ratcheting up the danger with each save.
  • Fierce Battle Martial Exploits, Nat 19s, Crits, Fumble ripostes, Morale checks, Trauma rolls, Heavies, and Bosses make for action packed battles! When reduced to zero hp, healing takes 1d3 minutes (magical or otherwise). Players don't roll to find out if their PC lives until after the combat, when an ally checks the body.
  • Unbalanced Encounters ToA is designed for unbalanced combat. Clear escape rules put the fate of the PCs in the players’ hands - do they fight another round, or run?
  • Short Rests PCs make two Willpowers checks during a Short Rest to attempt to recover hp and class abilities, encouraging them to press on rather than camp. 
  • Dark & Dangerous Magic Roll to Cast and DDM tests threaten to unleash Veil monsters, madness, mutation, or worse! 
  • Downtime Rules for Carousing, Pets, Black Market Trade, Masterforged Gear, Gambling, Recovery, Potion Brewing, Magical Research, Scroll Inscribing, Rumours, and more.
  • Emergent Play & Solo Support via mechanics, procedures, and massive GM Toolbox to facilitate improv, including: Lone Wolf PC rules, Range Bands (for smoother Theatre of the Mind), Reaction & Activity rolls, Major Exploits & Rescues, Morale checks, Consult the Bones Dice Oracle, Read the Signs Card Oracle, Hexploration Procedures, Dungeon Tally & Events, Travel Events, Random Encounters, XP Awards, NPC Tables, Treasure Tables, Madness Table, Disease & Parasite Table, Trap Tables, Dungeon Generator, and more!
  • Easy Compatibility with most OSR and 5e style adventures; just swap out monster stats, treasure, and spells for ToA equivalents, and you're good to go! We've been playtesting with adventures from LFG, Forbidden Lands, Dragonbane, B4 The Lost City, Hot Springs Island, The Toxic Wood, Mines of Perinthos, and very recently Moria (from The One Ring, alpha PDF). Conversion tips are included. 
  • Rules as Guidelines The GM is the final authority on all rules, which are expected to be tweaked to fit table preferences. The Variant Rules chapter includes suggestions such as more/less deadly, less dangerous magic, movement in feet rather than range bands, individual Initiative checks, etc.
  • Creative Commons Licence ToA has been released under CC BY-SA 4.0. You can create and sell your own supplements, adventures, etc, without needing any authority from us. 

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar 

Monday, December 30, 2024

OSR Christmas 2024 - Day 5 Gifts Are Being Given!

Day 5 of OSR Christmas is being awarded. The gifts are below. If you see your screen name below, email me at tenkarsDOTtavern at that gmail thing. Please put "OSR Christmas Day 5" in the subject. In the body of the email, include the gift that you've been gifted as well as your screen name.

Note - emails for outstanding gifts for OSR Christmas through Day 4 have been responded to. If you haven't received an email from me regarding a gift you are claiming, drop me a new email. Remember, you have 7 days to claim your gift. Afterward, it MAY go back into the gift pile. Tenkar

Gift 1 - Dragonlock Lost Caverns: Master Set FDG0410 ($50.00)


Gift 2 - Frog God Games 50% Off Coupon

Rob F.

Gift 3 - The Dwarven Glory  Precis Intermedia


Gift 4 - 1 Barrowmaze Patch (ships anywhere in the world) and issues 1-4 of Wizard Funk Zine in PDF - Dicebro


Gift 5 - $10 DTRPG Gift Certificate - From Your Bartender

Kevin N

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Humble Bundle - Complete Night’s Black Agents & Dracula Dossier Bundle

I remember, not too long ago, there was near-constant talk about the Night’s Black Agents RPG (powered by the GUMSHOE Engine). Well, I no longer hear it talked about so much, and I never took the dive before this bundle, but this may be my time to dive in.

The Complete Night’s Black Agents & Dracula Dossier Bundle is 18 bucks for 22 books, which isn't bad. Sadly, neither of the two cheaper bundles includes the core rulebook. Ah well.

Powered by the GUMSHOE system, the Night’s Black Agents RPG lets you play hyper-competent spies fighting a conspiracy led by vampires. This bundle features rules, adventures and expansions for the Night’s Black Agents RPG, including the epic Dracula Dossier campaign. In this campaign, you must track down and face the ultimate threat - Dracula himself! The Dossier offers an updated version of Stoker’s masterpiece and adds new letters and recordings, diary entries, and documents suppressed by Her Majesty’s Government, plus a Director’s Handbook filled with locations and leads to let your players hunt their greatest adversary. From Transylvania to London, the hunt is on!

The Tavern is supported by readers like you. The easiest way to support The Tavern is to shop via our affiliate links. The Tavern DOES NOT do "Paid For" Articles and discloses personal connections to products and creators written about when applicable.

DTRPGAmazon, and Humble Bundle are affiliate programs that support The Tavern.  You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar 

Tenkar's Tavern is supported by various affiliate programs, including Amazon, RPGNow,
and Humble Bundle as well as Patreon. Your patronage is appreciated and helps keep the
lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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