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Friday, January 17, 2025

PAGE 2025 - This Con Glows!


I received the above "Gelatinous Cube" at the Severed Books table (far left vending aisle, next to the Frog God table). The Cube, to me, is a great representation of PAGE 2 - it has some hidden features you didn't quite expect at first, but damn, its special!

For as many tables, and people, that I saw at Day One of PAGE, the noise was surprisingly controlled. And yes, there were tons of people, way more than I could ever hope to name, but it was great to finaly meet friends from The Tavern's Discord, our YouTube Channel, and even ENWorld.

At 3PM. I hosted, along with YouTubers and authors, Jistin Alexander & Mike Shes, a panel on "Starting a YouTube/Teith Channel After Using Other Media." Blogging might not be dead, but much of the blogging world has moved on to other ventures.

I wish the panel had been recorded, as the questions asked were good oned, as were the answers from the hosts in my opinion. If you take home just a single lesson from the panel - if you want to start a YouTube Chnnel, just do it. Unless you stsrt, it will never haaen.

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1 comment:

  1. I think self-hosted blogs are making a comeback. It may be harder to gauge it, but by design. Many of us are abandoning the algo chase.
