Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Bundle of Holding - Fantasy Sites and Scenes (Phil Reed)

It's no secret that I'm a massive fan of Phil Reed's work as an independent publisher of system-neutral RPG material. Phil likely is responsible for 10% or more of the Kickstarters I've backed (I am, sadly, a SuperBacker).

The Fantasy Sites & Scenes Bundle is a collection of many of Phil's Kickstarters with system-neutral GM-focused material.

Adventurer! This Fantasy Sites and Scenes Bundle presents system-neutral city and dungeon encounters from Philip Reed Games for any tabletop fantasy roleplaying game. Light your imagination with dozens of locations, characters, and encounters, and hundreds of rumors and magic items, that help you make any campaign city your own. Funded through just a few of Philip Reed's 104 Kickstarter campaigns (you read that right), these inspirational treasure chests of ideas fit easily in any setting above or below ground level.

For just US$14.95 you get all eight system-neutral gamemastering aids in our Fantasy Sites Collection (retail value $76) as DRM-free ebooks, including all three Fantasy City Sites and Scenes volumes – I, II, and III; The Book of Collected Rumors and The Book of Dungeon Encounters; and three little magic shops: Marco's Market of Magical Merchandise, Zeck's Shoppe of Riches, and Tischler's Tome of Treasures.

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