Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Deal of the Day - Atomic Punk 2240

Looking for a Fallout RPG with the serial numbers scratched off from an OSR game designer who avoids using an OSR ruleset this time around?

Atomic Punk 2240 may just be up your alley. It's today's deal of the day, and it's marked down to 8.99 until tomorrow morning.

Atomic Punk 2240 is a post-apocalyptic role-playing game set in an alternate future where, in the 1990s, the nuclear holocaust occurred. The wasteland is full of gangs, raiders, mutants, power-hungry factions, and the player characters themselves, who may or may not be any number of these types.

Atomic Punk 2240 is a 2d10 system where, generally, there is a target number of 11. All rolls are modified by difficulty modifiers, weapon and armor match-ups (references on a weapon vs armor table), and other factors.


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