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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Free RPG - Mini Six: Bare Bones Edition (Open d6)

I enjoyed the West End Games version of Star Wars decades ago. The inheritor of the mantle was the D6 System, which years later became an Open D6 System under the OGL.

Mini Six: Bare Bones Edition distills the Open D6 System into a mere 36-page document. All for the price of FREE!
Mini Six is a slimmed-down version of the original OpenD6 game system. It is a multi-genre RPG that focuses on handling action-oriented games with a light-to-medium amount of "crunch." It serves as a toolkit for designing your own games and has been used as the engine of several published games by third-parties through the use of the Open Game License.

The basic mechanics and character creation are covered in the first few pages. Stock NPCs, creatures, vehicles for a variety of genres, a simple magic system, optional rules, and conversion guidelines for mixing in standard OpenD6 materials round out the middle of the book.

Mini Six Bare Bones Edition finishes with five nearly ready to play mini-settings which showcase some of the possibilities of the system.
  • Perdition: Space Cowboys surviving on the edge of the frontier.
  • Rust Moon of Castia: Classic Fantasy
  • Farnsley's Phantasm Investigations: Spook hunting in the Victorian Age.
  • Precinct '77: Busting punks in an homage to 70's and 80's cop shows.
  • Imperium in Revolt: Rebels against the Imperium in classic space op

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