Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Kickstarter - Arden's Adventures/Arden's Notebook: An OSE 'Zine Series (Necromancer Games)

Quick note! Skeeter Green and Zach Glazar are the Special Guests on Talking Crit Live! Wednesday, June 5th @ 8PM ET - Skeeter worked on the Arden's series of zines for Necromancer Games, and Zach is an executive of Necromancer Games / Frog God Games. Link to the stream here.

Another note! I know Skeeter and Zach not just on a professional level but also on a personal level. Both are close friends and skilled and talented creators of old-school gaming material. 'Nuff Said! Tenkar

I'm a big fan of RPG zines. They are the perfect size for my consumption of gaming goodness and are convenient for both on-the-go reading AND when one HAS to go. Heh :)

Four zines in one Kickstarter for Old School Essentials from Frog God Games / Necromancer Games. Could I ask for more? Probably not.

I'm backing Arden's Adventures/Arden's Notebook Kickstarter at the $40 backer level - all 4 zines in print and PDF. International backers CAN opt for POD, which would make for cheaper shipping.

Arden's Adventures is a full-color zine that brings back the feel of classic adventures, where the characters are as likely to die in the second room as they are to find vast and unimaginable treasures and high adventure!

Arden's Notebook is a serialized supplement inspired by Arden's Adventures. The Notebook delivers useful information for the adventure, ideas to make your own, and regular columns such as Helman’s Haberdashery, Role Call!, Igbat's Incantarium, Zoo-Illogical, and more. And Tropes, our original comic strip, illustrated by the wonderful Chet Minton, is pretty darn cool!

All four zines are 28 to 32 pages, A5-sized, and saddle-stitched. To be precise, the page counts are as follows:

  • Arden's Adventures Volume 1 is 32 pages.
  • Arden's Notebook Volume 1 is 28 pages.
  • Arden's Adventures Volume 2 is 32 pages.
  • Arden's Notebook Volume 2 is 32 pages.


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