Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Kickstarter - Solarcrawl | OSR Exploration in a Fantastic Space Age

An orbital-fantasy, hex-crawling tabletop roleplaying game. Compatible with many OSR systems.

I can truly say I've never seen a setting / hex crawl like Solarcrawl before, and it finds me VERY intrigued.

Solarcrawl is a system neutral roleplaying campaign of exploration, bravery, danger and hope in a vast and fantastic solar system.

Take on dual roles: as the astronauts journeying forth to the other worlds within their solar system, and as the heads of the space agency that builds their rockets, chooses their destinations, and hopefully,  work together in hopes of rekindling their fading world.

Sounds like a perfect fit for White Star. Just saying ;)

The rules of this book were kept simple, stripped down to a narrow stat block for NPCs and simple structures for the Homeworld and spacecraft, in order for you to be able to bolt this book onto most any system that features hit points, saves and levels.

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