The Midderlands is Glynn Seal's baby. I have backed every Kickstarter he's run and have all his work in print & PDF. I've enjoyed his art and maps in the products of many other publishers, and I consider Glynn a friend.
The Midderlnads - OSR Bestiary and Setting is where all of this begins.
The Midderlands is an old-school game setting with bestiary for use with old-school role-playing games. It is based on Swords & Wizardry Complete, but could easily be used with other old-school systems and even non-OSR systems such as D&D or Pathfinder.
It is a green-hued, dark-fantasy, late-middle ages, early-renaissance view through grime-smeared spectacles. The setting itself is based on an area in the middle of England near where I live called The Midlands. Many of the locations are loosely based on reality, but others are pure fantasy from an addled mind.
The setting part of the book contains something I call "game-juice". Not heavy of history and monotonous detail, but enough to get the game-juices flowing and let the game master twist and tweak as they need to in order to fit their campaign.
Glynn has a Kickstarter in the works, and we will do our best to get him on The Tavern's YouTube channel for a live it does kick off.
If you don't already have The Midderlands—OSR Bestiary and Setting (and you should), don't miss out on the chance to get the PDF for 8 bucks instead of the usual 20 (still a bargain for the content you get).
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