Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Kickstarter - The Cult of the Winged Skull (DCC & ShadowDark Adventure)

A Tabletop Roleplaying Adventure in the New Setting of Wythmail for DCC and Shadowdark

Let me get this out of the way: Matt De Micco, the main man behind The Cult of the Winged Skull, is an acquaintance of mine. We've shared beers at NTRPG, shared "war stories" of our prior professions, and talked shop—the publishing side of RPGs. I like his vision, as it is truly "old-school" in nature.

So, what is The Cult of the Winged Skull

It's part setting (Wythmail) and part connected adventures. It comes in two flavors: DCC RPG (which honestly can use a setting) and ShadowDark, effectively hitting the fanbases of two of the most popular old-school alternatives to WotC's D&D.

Wythmail is an all-new campaign setting designed for use with the DCC and Shadowdark rules. The Cult of the Winged Skull is an adventure in this setting and provides an introduction to Wythmail, its peoples, places, and pantheons. Future endeavors will further develop the setting, but this adventure provides more than enough detail for hours of play.

Now, I have to admit, I'm a sucker for setting material, even if I would (likely) never use such material "as is." 

The world of Wyhmail struggles with an imposed fragile peace. Decades of war have settled over the realm like an uninvited shadow, devastating the land, destroying the continent, and stripping its resources dry. 

I'm also a fan of "dark fantasy," For good to have any value, there must be evil in the world. 

The pricing of The Cult of the Winged Skull is undoubtedly affordable. PDF for 1 system for 15, both systems for 20. Getting it in HC POD requires 30 plus printing and shipping, but it does include both PDFs. I'm in for 30 :)

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