Monday, March 17, 2025

Kickstarter - Up the Beanstalk: A Solo Adventure for 5e & B/X! (Pacesetter Games)

I've known Bill and Ben (best hair in the OSR) Barsh for well over a decade, and their knowledge and devotion to the OSR and old-school gaming is second to none (even if Ben is a bit of a 5e guy)

At the moment, I'm in between campaigns, so a nice, solo adventure may do me well. Of course, my preferred flavor is B/x ;)

Damn it! I'm in for the Up the Beanstalk: A Solo Adventure for 5e & B/X! Hardcover...

Up the Beanstalk is a true solo adventure for 3rd level characters using the 5th Edition or B/X game systems! For more about solo gaming, see the SoloSystem header here in the "Story" section.

This book will feature a variety of new content to each game system to better fit the adventure at hand. You can expect:

  • 75+ Pages of Adventure
  • New Marvelous Magic Items
  • New Malicious Monsters
  • Detailed maps to guide adventure where necessary
  • Beautiful black and white artwork to tell the visual story

"Writing a fantasy roleplaying adventure based on such a classic story comes with a fair amount of responsibility. I have done my best to retain the spirit and themes present within the original tellings of this story. The stalk is still a challenge in itself, a certain hen may lay certain eggs, Blunderbore (you know him) is still evil, etc etc. However, this adventure module gives your character the opportunity to be the hero of the story. I hope you all enjoy this adventurous re-telling of one of the greatest stories on Earth. We all have a beanstalk to ascend to become whom we were meant to be. Time to start climbing!" -Ben Barsh, author and designer of Up the Beanstalk 

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