Wednesday, March 19, 2025

State of The Tavern - Spring Planting and Some Fresh Paint

The first official day of Spring is right around the corner, and it is time to do some spring "planting" and "painting" here at The Tavern.

Time to reboot The Tavern's Substack, as I've had a creative block concerning rules editing, but not when it comes to content creation. So, beginning in April, we should see some OSR content on the free side of The Tavern's Substack and some short, or not-so-short, adventures and setting material on the paid subscriber side. More on that in a week or two.

I know. I used to create gaming content on the blog in recent years, but it will be a better fit on Substack.

Here, on the blog, we will aim to share links to free OSR rules, resources, adventures, etc., at least two days a week starting in April. There are a ton of such hidden in all corners of the internet, and I'll be making it a regular feature to bring them to you.

On the YouTube side, we've had great success adding some daily shorts, curated mostly from the channel's various live streams. This will continue. I truly appreciate the positive response.

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