Friday, February 21, 2025

Deal of the Day - Terror Australis - 2nd Edition (CoC)

While I don't know how much use I'd get out of an Australian supplement for Call of Cthulhu, I do know I will read the shit out of it!

Today's Deal of the Day is Terror Australis - 2nd Edition. Usually 21.99 in PDF, it is on sale until tomorrow morning it is on sale for $3.34

Call of Cthulhu in the Land Down Under

Camels in AustraliaThe driest, flattest, and smallest continent, Australia is almost as big as the continental United States, but has a fraction of the inhabitants—six million people in 1925. Beyond the settled areas, three-quarters of the land remain relatively little known until after World War Two. Seen by those in Europe and America as one of the last great wildernesses, despite decades of exploration and incursion, it remained a place that guarded its secrets.

While the ancient and primordial character of the Australian inland lures many, it is the cities in the south and east that have become centers of population. Surprisingly modern and surprisingly British in character—it is not uncommon for foreign visitors to express astonishment when they disembark from their steamer in Sydney or Melbourne and find themselves in a great metropolis with all the modern refinements of London or New York. Ever present, though, are the modern blights afflicting cities worldwide: organized crime, overcrowding, civil unrest, and uncertainty.

This unique mix of old and new—the tension between civilization and the frontier—is what makes Australia a particularly fertile 1920s setting for Call of Cthulhu. Those Keepers wishing to challenge their players with tales of gang-related squalor underpinned by ancient Mythos threats can find ample opportunity in Australia’s urban environments. Equally, investigators do not have to go too far into the Outback to become entangled in tales of stark frontier life bereft of modern conveniences of technology, underpinned by dark shadows cast by the Ctuhlhu Mythos that seem to haunt the very landscape. And for Keepers who wish to push investigators to the very limits of wilderness survival, there is no shortage of opportunities for true expeditions into places where Europeans and Americans have never set foot.

In Australia, the investigators come face-to-face with supernatural forces that have endured for longer than humanity has existed; they can attempt to step inside the ancient legends of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia in search of mystical knowledge; they can cross swords with nefarious cults intent on diabolic schemes, or challenge unwitting scientists who haplessly threaten to achieve a similar end by probing the mysteries of the Australian land.

Brining your investigators to Australia is certain to reward your gaming group. For, as soon as they have set foot upon this ancient continent, adventure, peril, and mystery abound. Whether run as an Australian campaign, a series of one-shot games, or a protracted stop over during a globe-spanning campaign, the time spent in the Land Down Under will not be wasted!

What’s In the Book?

Australian History and Geography

Covers the European exploration, from the land being a convict colony through to the Australian gold rush, and beyond to the Great War and its aftermath. We then look at the geography of the Australian continent, noting some archaeological sites and providing an overview of the differing regions and climates.


Here we focus on the history of Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders, as well as the white population, and contrast life in the urban and life in the rural environments. Special focus is given to Australian investigators, with new skills and occupations appropriate to for Aboriginal and white Australians. We round things out with brief biographies of some key Australians of the post-Great War period, who might be encountered by wandering investigators.

Resources for 1920s Australia

This chapter provides a toolkit of historical subjects, usable by Keepers, for running games in Australia. Topics include law enforcement, transport, mounting expeditions into the Outback, communications, and sources for research.

Australian Cities

Provides an in depth look at some of Australia’s key cities, including Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, and Brisbane. Maps are provide for each city, as well as details on notable mysteries or events, and suggestions concerning cults in thrall to the gods and horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos.


Known to some as “the Dreaming” or “Dreamtime,” the Alcheringa chapter focuses on how to incorporate the wisdom and learning stemming from Aboriginal cultural traditions into games, and features special rules and mechanics for running “dream quests” to gather important information to solve dire situations facing the investigators, as well as the rewards for “solving” a “Song-Line.” The stages of a Song-Line are discussed and presented with examples, such as the Story of Bigibila, which can be played as a scenario introduction to Alcheringa. Topics such as Aboriginal sorcery and artifacts are also discussed.

The Mythos in Australia

Here, the book looks at the dark conspiracies and taint of the Cthulhu Mythos upon the Australian soil, with particular reference to the legacy of the Great Race, the Flying Polyps, and to the elusive and mysteries Sand Dwellers. A range of Mythos cults are presented, ready for the Keeper to incorporate into games, as well as featuring some of the other Mythos monsters that could be found lurking in dark shadows.


The book is rounded out with two large scenarios and appendices.

Long Way From Home: the investigators look into a series of odd and unexplained meteor showers and are drawn into a web of intrigue involving some ancient foes. Presented as a sandbox with multiple entry points, the scenario features a range of plots and encounters set in the remote region of Paralana.

Black Water, White Death: sought-after papers concerning Australia’s convict history lead the investigators to Tasmania and to a dark mystery to terrify the dreams of all concerned. What begins as a simple matter of attending an auction ends with terror and a cosmic threat.

Gathered in the appendices are some of Australia’s deadly wildlife, with game profiles provided for their use in games, as well as timelines covering Australia, and recommended further reading and viewing.

In Australia, investigators will come face-to-face with supernatural forces that have endured for longer than humanity has existed. It is a land of adventure, danger, and ageless wisdom—a perfect for setting for Call of Cthulhu!


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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Deal of the Day - DungeonMorph Delves and Descriptions: Crypts, Lairs, & Sewers Edition

I've been a huge fan of Inkwell Designs for well over a decade. I believe their DungeonMorpg Dice was an early pickup and are still a cherished part of my dice collection.

DungeonMorph Delves and Descriptions: Crypts, Lairs, & Sewers Edition is today's Deal of the Day. Normally 14.99 in PDF, it is on sale until tomorrow morning for 4 bucks. TREASURE TROVE OF ADVENTURE!

This book contains every DungeonMorph Map from our Crypts, Lairs, & Sewers sets and can be used on its own. It also works seamlessly with our DungeonMorph Tiles, Cards, and Dice (Crypts, Lairs, & Sewers sets).

[As part of this product's Deal of the Day ,all our Dungeonmorphs are on sale!]

In the book, each DungeonMorph map has a full page of ideas! Each design is broken down into a couple of encounter areas, and each area has six ideas of how to use it.  The first three ideas follow a theme. For example, idea #1 of each crypt area is about a dynastic necropolis while idea #2 of each crypt area is an oubliette of torture and idea #3 revolves around a necromancer's fortress.  The other three ideas of each area are not connected--usable with any theme with some customization. 

In all, that means the book has:

Thousands of area descriptions.

Nine themes across three sets (Crypts, Lairs, Sewers--Three themes each)

Enough maps and ideas for 18 mega dungeons

Endless combinations for smaller adventure settings like hillside lairs, sewer fortifications, and lost shrines

Appendix tables for custom magic items, artwork, traps, prisoners, supply stashes, and more

Also included: a Delving procedure with pre-built frameworks and a template to make your own, so you can play any fantasy tabletop RPG solo or co-op without a dedicated Game Master. Use DungeonMorphs for your maps, and use the Delving framework to determine your quest goal, room features, complications, traps, foes—and treasure!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Bundle of Holding - Mutant Crawl Classics

I love Mutant Crawl Classics. I try to play it at least once a year at various gaming conventions - it's a damn blast to play. It's Gamma World on steroids!

Adventurer! We've resurrected our September 2021 Mutant Crawl Classics Bundle featuring the post-apocalyptic science-fantasy tabletop roleplaying game of technology and triumph in a devastated future, Mutant Crawl Classics from Goodman Games. Whether you're a mutant, a seeker, a robot-killer, or a stoic shaman guarding forgotten ancient sciences, there are treasures to be won in the taboo lands and the ruins of the Ancients. Based on Goodman's Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, Mutant Crawl Classics is a standalone game in the tradition of Gamma World and Metamorphosis Alpha. You have a new chance to activate your artifact and go adventuring like it's 1978.

For just US$7.95 you get all three titles in this revived offer's Starter Collection (retail value $38) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete Mutant Crawl Classics RPG core rulebook along with the Judge's Screen and the introductory adventure Hive of the Overmind.

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $18.54, you'll level up and also get this revival's entire Bonus Collection with seven more titles worth an additional $49, including the supplement The Data Orb of Metakind (published as MCC adventure #8) and six full-length adventures that take your characters from zero-level nobodies to level 5: Seeking the Post-Humans, A Fallen Star For All, Incursion of the Ultradimension, The Evil of the Ancients, Blessings of the Vile Brotherhood, and The Apocalypse Ark.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Free Traveller - Traveller Starter Pack

As far as I can tell, the Traveller Starter Pack is only available on the Mongoose Publishing website. Similar to the Traveller: Merchant's Edition ($1.00 in PDF at DTRPG), it contains much of the same information except for class-related information.

Note, if you only want Traveller: Explorer Edition, it is available for $1.00 at DTRPG. The Starter Pack includes Explorer Edition AND two adventures for free. The adventures are free at DTRPG.

Note: The Explorer Edition includes rules for Scouts and Scientists.

This package of free PDFs is an introduction to the game for newcomers that provides all of the tools you need to kick off a campaign that will take you across the stars. Adventure and wonder await in classic tales of science fiction.

This free bundle includes...

Traveller Explorer's Edition: All core rules for Traveller are in this book, plus a universe creation system that allows Referees to create new star systems on the fly for their Travellers to visit and explore…

Death Station: An orbiting laboratory ship has gone silent, and the Travellers are hired by a local company to find out what has happened. However, they will soon discover that they are not alone...

Stranded: A remastering of a classic Traveller adventure, the Travellers find themselves marooned on a glacier with nothing more than the contents of their survival kits. They must master the wilderness and find civilization without the technological tools they are used to.

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Monday, February 17, 2025

Traveller: Merchant's Edition ($1.00)

There is a lot to be said about offering free or hugely discounted rules to encourage players to try new rulesets (although there is also an argument that giving rules away for FREE makes some folks think they are worthless)

The Traveller: Merchant's Edition isn't free, but it is only a single buck. Not bad for a major RPG ruleset from one of the larger publishers.

Traveller is the science fiction roleplaying game of the far future. The Traveller Merchant’s Edition is an introduction to the game for newcomers that provides all of the tools you need to create adventures or even an entire campaign. Create bold exploratory traders and merchant princes who travel into the unknown aboard their trusty Type-A2 Far Trader, a rugged merchant ship perfect for frontier space.

Dock your ship at advanced starports, visit strange worlds, encounter alien beings and animals, and make a fortune as you cross the galaxy.

The universe awaits. Welcome to Traveller!

You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar 

You can support The Tavern by using our affiliate links: https://www.tenkarstavern.com/p/support-tavern.html

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Deal of the Day - FlexTale Solo Image Oracle Omnibus (system-neutral)

I know it says "Solo" on the tin, but the FlexTale Solo Image Oracle Omnibus is an excellent tool to spur the thought process for the harried DM. It should be in every DM's toolkit at 4 bucks for the FlexTale Solo Image Oracle Omnibus PDF (instead of the standard 19.99). The sale price will be valid until late tomorrow morning (around 11 AM ET).

The FlexTale Solo Image Oracle is an innovative creative tool for solo adventurers to generate dynamic, intriguing answers to questions about your campaign and the adventures that take place within it.

A simple roll of 3d6 is all you need to generate over 5,400 answers and pieces of creative content for any campaign setting, any situation, and any level of skill as a G/DM.


This book is the Omnibus edition of the Solo Image Oracle.  It assembles the contents of the previously-published six individual volumes.  Each of those Volumes contains 36 images; this Omnibus contains all 216 images.

Digital Resource Companion

You also get a Microsoft Excel file containing all 5,400 creative elements for all 216 images.  This is the same content that's presented in the book, just in a format that some might enjoy using more than a PDF.  You are welcome to extend, amend, or otherwise use this tool for your own personal gaming experience.

Immediately Useful

Download this book, open it up to a random page, and pick any part of that page.  This book was designed so that whatever you end up pointing at, you should be able to use it in your campaign, whether you're a veteran DM of 30+ years running a published campaign for a dozen players, or a brand-new player giving solo play a try.

What is This Thing?

An Oracle is a tool to provide an answer.  Usually, this is in the context of a solo adventure, where you as the adventurer need to rely upon some external source of truth to keep things unpredictable and interesting.  Solo Oracle tools abound, and are quite popular--it's probably safe to say that nearly every single solo adventurer uses at least one Oracle tool.

The Solo Image Oracle takes this a step further.  (It wouldn't be a FlexTale book if it didn't take things an order of magnitude further!)

Three dice is all it takes: Roll one six-sided die to pick which image palette you use.  Then, roll 2d6, and pick an image randomly from that grid of 36 abstract icons.  You can use that simple image as a point of inspiration on its own; this approach is very similar to Rory's Story Cubes, another popular resource for solo gamers.

A Step Further in Creative Inspiration

But the FlexTale difference amplifies the utility and power of this book as an Oracle: each of those images gets its own full page.

Each of those 216 images gets over 25 different elements: specific answers to questions, creative directions, entire quest snippets, magic items, random encounters, and much, much more.

All in all, two simple dice can drive over 5,400 dynamic and creative sources of inspiration for any campaign setting.

System-Neutral, Zero-Prep

This is a common objective in FlexTale books, and I'm thrilled to say that this book was designed from the start to satisfy these as requirements, even moreso than any other book before it in the FlexTale line.

The Solo Image Oracle provides visual and text inspiration.  As a result, it's system neutral, and can be easily used in any tabletop roleplaying game, though the particular answers in many cases are fantasy-oriented.  For those who use 5E, Pathfinder, Pathfinder Second Edition, OSR, or DCC systems, there is an extensive 9-page description of how to use specific rules language across those systems.

The whole point of this book is that it requires no preparation to use.  You can, quite literally, flip to a page completely at random, and point to a place on that page, and derive inspiration for your solo adventure cotntent.

Any Gaming Table

Although the Solo Image Oracle was designed from the ground up to be a tool to empower solo gamers, it's also an immensely powerful tool for a traditional gaming table.  A time-pressed or creatively stymied G/DM can use this book exactly like a solo gamer would, and find creative drivers just as naturally and quickly.


 You can catch the daily Tavern Chat cast on Rumble or YouTube - Tenkar 

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lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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