I'm a sucker for large dungeon adventures, which is what The False Temple looks to be. Priced at 8 bucks in PDF and 10 bucks for an at-cost POD (so about 4 more bucks plus shipping), I'm in :)
The False Temple is a small megadungeon consisting of 4 levels with well over 100 rooms (finished product should have around 150 rooms), a starting town and surrounding area, and a dark background to intrigue both you and your players.
A party of levels 4-7 should be able to take on the dungeon, and this module could be run with a lower level party, allowing them to pick up leads and smaller missions in town and get to the appropriate level before attacking the dungeon.
This module is based on our small free project "Dakar's Dungeon", found on the Azorynian Post Blog at https://azorynianpost.substack.com/. What started as a simple overzealous response to a prompt, is now being turned into a full-fledged, ready-to-run adventure module.
What Additions to Expect
- A nearby town fleshed out with NPCs who have personalities and needs that could lead to further adventure
- A surrounding area with points of interest
- Expanded Dungeon levels and maps - more rooms on each level!
- More fleshed-out factions and descriptions of their leaders
- Professional formatting
- Art!
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