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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Kickstarter - The False Temple: An OSR mini-mega dungeon (Levels 4-7)

I'm a sucker for large dungeon adventures, which is what The False Temple looks to be. Priced at 8 bucks in PDF and 10 bucks for an at-cost POD (so about 4 more bucks plus shipping), I'm in :)

The False Temple is a small megadungeon consisting of 4 levels with well over 100 rooms (finished product should have around 150 rooms), a starting town and surrounding area, and a dark background to intrigue both you and your players. 

A party of levels 4-7 should be able to take on the dungeon, and this module could be run with a lower level party, allowing them to pick up leads and smaller missions in town and get to the appropriate level before attacking the dungeon.

This module is based on our small free project "Dakar's Dungeon", found on the Azorynian Post Blog at https://azorynianpost.substack.com/. What started as a simple overzealous response to a prompt, is now being turned into a full-fledged, ready-to-run adventure module.

What Additions to Expect

  • A nearby town fleshed out with NPCs who have personalities and needs that could lead to further adventure
  • A surrounding area with points of interest
  • Expanded Dungeon levels and maps - more rooms on each level!
  • More fleshed-out factions and descriptions of their leaders
  • Professional formatting
  • Art!


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Friday, February 28, 2025

Death Notice - Ernest Gary Gygax Jr

Ernest "Ernie" Gary Gygax Jr. passed away earlier this morning, February 28th, 2025. At the time of his death, Ernie was suffering from heart failure and kidney failure. The official cause of his death is not currently known.

Ernie was the eldest child of Gary Gygax Sr., one of the co-creators of Dungeons & Dragons.

Ernie is survived by his wife, Donna, his mother, Mary Jo, and his siblings, Elise, Heidi, Cindy, Luke and Alex. Ernie's father, Gary Gygax Sr. passed in 2008.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Free OSR - Cthulhu Eternal (Open Source SRD Chthulhu Gaming)

Free Cthulhu roleplaying? Count me in! Let me present Cthulhu Eternal.

Cthulhu Eternal is a multi-era, setting agnostic ruleset which aims to support inventive game designers who have original ideas for Lovecraftian roleplaying games or scenarios. It draws upon the long line of D100 games of Cthulhu-themed investigation, offering a beautifully streamlined and elegant set of mechanics to support a diverse range of gaming styles.

Different eras of human history each have their own flavor and character – due in part to the technology available, and in part due to social conventions of the day. Recognizing this, Cthulhu Eternal exists as a family of inter-related rules engines – each based on the same mechanics but tailored to the needs of a specific era.

This version of Cthulhu Eternal is specially designed to support Lovecraftian games set in the “Jazz Age” – that is, world as it was in the early 20th Century (between the World Wars). This is an attractive option for a game setting as it was the then-contemporary world in which H.P. Lovecraft set many of his novellas and short fiction.

Other versions of Cthulhu Eternal currently available in SRD form (PWYW Bundle):

Cthulhu Eternal: Age of Revolutions (1750-1850) SRD

Cthulhu Eternal: Victorian Era SRD

Cthulhu Eternal: World War II SRD

Cthulhu Eternal: Cold War SRD

Cthulhu Eternal: Modern Age SRD

You can support The Tavern by using our affiliate links: https://www.tenkarstavern.com/p/support-tavern.html

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Bundle of Holding - You Are The Hero (Solo Game Books)

I'm a huge fan of the classic Fighting Fantasy styled solo game books. For 20 bucks, I'm all in on the Your Are The Hero Bundle at Bundle of Holding.

Adventurer! For a limited time, this You Are the Hero Quick Deal presents the 40th Anniversary Edition of You Are the Hero plus interactive Ace Gamebooks inspired by the Fighting Fantasy gamebook series. Part history, part celebration, You Are the Hero chronicles four decades of the Fighting Fantasy phenomenon. Written by Jonathan Green (author of eight Fighting Fantasy gamebooks), this revised, updated, and lavishly illustrated tome will appeal to anyone who ever whiled away a washed-out summer holiday with only two dice and a pencil.

This new Quick Deal celebrates a Kickstarter campaign in progress, "Fighting Fantasy Solo Adventure Gamebooks - Back In Print!" American publisher Steve Jackson Games is reprinting the first five Fighting Fantasy gamebooks in enhanced editions with large print. (Trivia: The British Steve Jackson who started the Fighting Fantasy gamebook series with Ian Livingstone, and who also co-founded Games Workshop, is no relation to the American Steve Jackson, designer of Munchkin, GURPS, Car Wars, Ogre, and Illuminati. But – get this – the US Steve also wrote three Fighting Fantasy gamebooks! You Are the Hero explains everything.)

For just US$19.95 you get all nine titles in our Ace Gamebooks Collection (retail value $129) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete full-color, 324-page You Are the Hero 40th Anniversary Edition along with seven Ace Gamebooks written by Jonathan Green in the Fighting Fantasy tradition: Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland, The Wicked Wizard of Oz, Neverland - Here Be Monsters, Beowulf Beastslayer, 'Twas - The Krampus Night Before Christmas, Dracula - Curse of the Vampire, and Ronin 47. We also include Jonathan's Saxon-era roleplaying game Heorot - Roleplaying in the World of Beowulf Beastslayer. (It's not a gamebook, just a good game.)

You can support The Tavern by using our affiliate links: https://www.tenkarstavern.com/p/support-tavern.html

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Kickstarter - Solarcrawl | OSR Exploration in a Fantastic Space Age

An orbital-fantasy, hex-crawling tabletop roleplaying game. Compatible with many OSR systems.

I can truly say I've never seen a setting / hex crawl like Solarcrawl before, and it finds me VERY intrigued.

Solarcrawl is a system neutral roleplaying campaign of exploration, bravery, danger and hope in a vast and fantastic solar system.

Take on dual roles: as the astronauts journeying forth to the other worlds within their solar system, and as the heads of the space agency that builds their rockets, chooses their destinations, and hopefully,  work together in hopes of rekindling their fading world.

Sounds like a perfect fit for White Star. Just saying ;)

The rules of this book were kept simple, stripped down to a narrow stat block for NPCs and simple structures for the Homeworld and spacecraft, in order for you to be able to bolt this book onto most any system that features hit points, saves and levels.

You can support The Tavern by using our affiliate links: https://www.tenkarstavern.com/p/support-tavern.html