Sunday, March 2, 2025

Kickstarter - When Dusk Falls (A Shadowdark RPG Hexcrawl)

Rise beyond dusk in this mystical, ever-evolving forest.

Let's see? ShadowDark? Check!

Hexcrawl? Check!

A5 for convenient traveling?  Checkity check check!

At about 10 bucks in PDF and 16 in POD (plus cost and shipping) with PDF, I'm in for a physical copy of When Dusk Falls.

Explore a vast forest of wonder and intrigue in When Dusk Falls, a sandbox hexcrawl setting for Shadowdark RPG. A rotting cancer grows in the dreary depths of the forest. Its many factions and woodland denizens interact with this creeping dread as it continues to grow, trying to adapt or fight back. What place will your players find in this continuously evolving world?

  • Over 140 A5 pages featuring a sandbox hexcrawl setting using an incredibly easy to run spread-based layout.
  • 60 hexes filled with more than 100 wondrous points of interest.
  • 5 diverse factions with evolving weekly progress and goals that impact the dynamics of the Grenin.
  • Multiple exciting dungeons and adventure sites stuffed with treasure and dangers. Each comes with both GM and player-facing maps.
  • A brand new alchemy system powered by the unique reagents found in the Grenin. Make potions, elixirs, oils, and salves to aid on your quests.
  • New themed magic items for all levels of play.
  • 10 enigmatic NPCs and their quest lines.
  • A creeping rot mechanic that will corrupt your characters as they delve deeper into the dark.

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lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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