Many large and small publishers have offered bundles via Humble Bundle. One of the more frequent offerings of gaming-related fiction is from Black Library and its various Warhammer / Warhammer 40k fiction lines. The current Dragonlance offering from WotC is the first time I can recall WotC offering ANY bundles via Humble Bundle.
I was a huge Dragonlance fan in my younger days, and it was gaming fiction that was also read by many non-gamers.
You can get the Dragonlance Fiction Bundle for 18 bucks, giving you 26 books worth of fantasy fiction readable on Kindles, iPads, and virtually all similar electronic devices.
Embark on an epic adventure through the land of Krynn with the ultimate Dragonlance Collection from Wizards of the Coast. Follow the perilous journey to protect the mystical Blue Crystal Staff from an evil dragon goddess in Dragons of Autumn Twilight. Untangle dwarven political tensions, hidden dangers, and long-lost secrets with The Companions in Dragons of the Dwarven Depths. The battle of the gods comes to a dramatic climax in Amber and Ashes. Get 25+ amazing page-turners and help support Room to Read with your purchase!
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